Porous Materials For Sustainability Research Group

News & Events

21 September 2023

Inauguration of Prof. Dr. rer. nat Witri Wahyu Lestari S.Si. M.Sc. with the oration tittle “Peran Material Cerdas Metal Organic Framework dalam Bidang Lingkungan, Biomedis, dan Energi”

7 July 2023

Forum Group Discussion with the member of research group 

5 July 2023

Thesis Examination by Ghina Alya Nabilah

27 June 2023

Thesis Examination by Layla Afianti Maksum

20 June 2023

Thesis Examination by Enri Pramuja

13 June 2023

Thesis Examination by Dian Wahyu Tri Wulansari

13 June 2023

Thesis Examination by Oni Susilowati

22 May 2023

Thesis Examination by Fauziyah Azhari

14 April 2023

Research Result Seminar by Layla Afianti Maksum, Ghina Alya Nabilah, and Oni Susilowati

4 April 2023

Research Result Seminar by Dian Wahyu Tri Wulansari and Fauziyah Azhari

13 Maret 2023

Research Result Seminar by Enri Pramuja

2 January 2023

Dr. Witri as a speaker at “Silaturahmi Awal Tahun 2023 Keluarga Besar UNS” with theme “Bersama Mewujudkan UNS yang Unggul Melalui Kekuatan Riset dan Inovasi Masa Depan”

11 November 2022

Thesis proposal seminar by Layla Afianti Maksum.

10 November 2022

Thesis proposal seminar by Dian Wahyu, Fauziyah Azhari, and Enri Pramuja.

25 October 2022

Thesis proposal seminar by Oni Susilowati and Ghina Alya Nabilah.

21 October 2022

Dr. Witri as Invited Speaker at 18# OWSD Indonesia Talk Series. 

17 October 2022

Presentation at The Joint 7th International Conference On Advanced Materials For Better Future (ICAMBF). Dendy et al presented their research with the title : “Study Adsorption of Heavy Metal Ions in Solution Using Highly Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks, MIL-101(Cr), Ethylenediamine-modified MIL-101(Cr), and MIL-101(Cr)-NH2”

14 October 2022

Thesis Examination by Mutia Cahya Ningrum.

03 October 2022

Dr. Witri received an award as the most  indexed publications in the  Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty of Universitas Sebelas Maret in 2021-2022. Congrats Dr. Witri! And Thanks to the co-authors for the support.

16 September 2022

Monitoring and Evaluation of Student Creativity Program. Enri and his team (Farhan, Dika, Dian, and Fauziyah) presented the results of their research. Good Job Enri & team!

15 September 2022

Focus Group Discussion about “Autoclave for Research and Research Development – Catalytic Reactor Design and Its Operation” with resource persons, namely Jajat Sudrajat, A.Md. from Universitas Indonesia. 

6-7 September 2022

Presentation at The Joint Conference on Research in Chemistry and Chemical Education (JCRCCE). Melani Puji Puspitasari et al presented their research with the title : “Modification of Faujasite with Fe3O4 as a Fenton and Photo-Fenton Catalysts for Efficient Degradation of Methyl Orange”. In addition, Dean Hidayat et al (represented by Dendy) presented their research entitled : “Green and Facile Mechano-chemical Synthesis of MIL-100(Cr) and its Adsorption Studies on Methyl Orange (MO) and Methyl Violet (MV) as Anionic and Cationic Dyes”

9 August 2022

Thesis Examination by Melani Puji Puspitasari

7-11 August 2022

Poster presentation at The 8th Asian Conference on Coordination Chemistry (ACCC8) in Taipei, Taiwan (join by online). Jeesica Hermayanti Pratama et al presented their research with the title : “Mixed Matrix Membranes Based on SBS Triblock Copolymer With Ni-MOF-74 Filler For A Highly Selective H2/CH4 and CO2/CH4 Separation”.

1-6 August 2022

Dr. Witri as a research fellow at The 8th Indonesian – American Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium (KFOSS), an activity initiated by Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (AIPI), in collaboration with National Academy of Sciences (US-NAS) located at Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta. This scientific meeting is designed to provide a broad view of progress and opportunities in interdisciplinary groups, which in this symposium took 6 topics, including: Early Childhood Education, Marine Microbial Diversity in a Changing Environment, Nature inspired Chemistry: From Medicine to Materials, Neuroscience of Deception and Lie, Political Ecologies of Health and theClimate Crisis, and Point of Care Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases.

8 July 2022

Research Results Seminar by Mutia Cahya Ningrum

1-3 July 2022

Focus Group Discussion and Porous Materials Analysis Data Processing Training

1 July 2022

Research Results Seminar by Melani Puji Puspitasari

29 June 2022

MBKM activities, innovation of granular and composite fertilizers using natural zeolite klaten and trials on mustard plants, in collaboration with Ngudi Rejeki Farmers’ group, Salam Village, Bulu Etan, Karangpandan, Karanganyar

16 June 2022

Dr. Witri as panelists in a talk show entitled “Perjuangan Eksistensi Perempuan Peneliti Indonesia dalam STEM”. This event is hosted by Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) – Indonesia National Chapter colaborated with L’oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science and Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO (KNIU). with the theme “STOP THE DROP: Because the World Needs Science and Science Needs Women

28-29 May 2022

Event on Seminar Nasional Kimia 2022 “Peranan Green Chemistry dalam Mewujudkan Pola Konsumsi dan Produksi Berkelanjutan”, organized by Chemistry Student Association and Chemistry Department of Padjadjaran University. Dr. Witri Wahyu Lestari as invited speaker and Dendy as oral presenter.

25 May 2022

Dr. Witri Wahyu Lestari as oral presenter at the International Conference POLY-CHAR [Halle | Siegen] 2022

10-11 May 2022

Poster presentation at the e-Virtual Symposium on Sustainable Analytical Techniques 2022. Dr. WItri Wahyu Lestari et al presented their research with the title : “A Zirconium(IV)-based Metal-organic Framework Modified with Ruthenium and Palladium Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Catalytic Performance for Selective Hydrogentaion of Furfural to Furfuryl Alcohol”. In addition, Joni Hartono et al (represented by Enri Pramuja) presented their research entitled : “The Influence of Solvothermal and Electrochemical Synthetic Methods on the Morphological Structure of HKUST-1 as a Heterogeneous Catalyst in Palmitic Acid Esterification Reaction”.

18 April 2022

Having iftar with the member of research group and MBKM team

7 April 2022

Research and Inovation meeting with BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency) Indonesia

11 March 2022

Happy 46th Anniversary for Universitas Sebelas Maret!
Greetings from Prof. Eva Hey-Hawkins (Leipzig University, Germany)

10 March 2022

Thesis Examination by Dean Hidayat

16 February 2022

Thesis Examination by Ahnaf Rizqullah Dwi Putra

11 February 2022

Having dinner and farewell party with internship students from Padjadjaran University

3 February 2022

Thesis Examination by Dendy

17 January 2022

Research Results Seminar by Ahnaf Rizqullah Dwi Putra

11 January 2022

Meeting offline research group with Dr. rer. nat. Wirawan Ciptonugroho, S.T., M.Sc. and internship students from Padjadjaran University

7 January 2022

Research Results Seminar by Dean Hidayat


14-17 December 2021

Final Competition “Youth Ideas Paper Competition” organized by the National Battery Research Institute (NBRI) Indonesia, and successfully won 2nd place. Congratulations Melani, Jeesica, and Mutia!

26 November 2021

Research Results Seminar by Dendy


11 November 2021

Research Results Seminar by Atsna Rofida

1 November 2021

Thesis Proposal Seminar by Mutia Cahya Ningrum


26-31 October 2021

Final of Student Creativity Program Team at Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (PIMNAS) 34 and successfully won silver medal in the presentation category. Congratulation Jeesica, Atsna, and team!

5 October 2021

Thesis Examination by Jeesica Hermayanti Pratama

17 September 2021

Thesis Proposal Seminar by Melani Puji Puspitasari


16 July 2021

Research Results Seminar by Jeesica Hermayanti Pratama


18 February 2021

Thesis Proposal Seminar by Jeesica Hermayanti Pratama and Ahnaf Rizqullah Dwi Putra


17 February 2021

Thesis Proposal Seminar by Atsna Rofida and Dean Hidayat


30 November 2020

Thesis Proposal Seminar by Dendy
